
Our approach to this literary genre is literary and linguistic at the same time, as drama gives the young the opportunity to get to know and analyse stories, to perform them through words, gestures, music, dance, various art elements (drama from the Greek means action), to excite imagination and develop communicative and expressive skills. Beside being read, understood, analysed and interpreted, the dramatic text becomes a tool in the students’ hands in order to be manipulated through activities of expansion, transposition and production of new texts. It is set in time and space, and its “mise en espace” or performance may be object of personal and original choices.

In this section didactic drama paths are presented with the objectives of: improving linguistic and communicative competence; creating an atmosphere of cooperation and harmony in class; improvising, playing and building stories and characters; carrying out forms of “mise in espace” or performance; analysing the main aspects of the genre and various texts.

The classroom as a bare stagePaggiaroPresentation lend meeting 16 gennaio 2018
Rewriting Shakespeare- DesdemonaPaggiaroPresentation lend meeting 16 gennaio 2018
Rewriting Shakespeare-The MerchantPaggiaroPresentation lend meeting 16 gennaio 2018
Rewriting Shakespeare-The ShrewPaggiaroPresentation lend meeting 16 gennaio 2018
Rewriting Shakespeare-The Winter’s talePaggiaroPresentation lend meeting 16 gennaio 2018