Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Lifelong learning is important in everybody’s life, but especially for people working in professions that transmit and facilitate learning – like teachers and teacher trainers – developing and updating their competences is essential. In fact, good quality teaching and learning can be achieved when teachers engage in continuing professional development. According to the Eurydice Report, Teachers in Europe. Careers, Development, Well-being (March 2021), teachers usually participate in various kinds of CPD activities (courses in person or online, conferences, network of teachers, study visits, coaching, reading professional literature, etc.), and their attendance to development activities varies from country to country (the highest numbers are in the Baltic countries, the lowest in France and Belgium).

In Italy the law 107/2015 on the reform of the educational system has established that CPD is compulsory, continuing and structural: each school defines CPD activities also establishing networks with other schools, and stakeholders and professional associations may be involved in providing teacher education, too.

Teachers in Europe Careers, Development, Well-beingEuropean CommissionEurydice Report 2021
Map for teachers’ competencesEuropean Commission (2017) 
Portfolio e autobiografia linguisticaPaggiaroPresentazione incontro lend 2017
Valutare le competenze linguistichePaggiaroPresentazione incontro 2015